KC2 Software
One Seamless, start-to-finish sales to fulfillment solution
The world of professional photography has evolved. To resonate with today's consumers, you need to offer a share/relive/preserve approach. Your clients want digital files to share the great moments that you've captured so beautifully. And they need printed items - such as enlargements, albums and photo keepsakes - to relive and preserve their special memories for a lifetime.
To fulfill all these needs, we're bringing you a streamlined digital + print solution that empowers everything from editing to ordering, and e-commerce to fulfillment. KODAK PROFESSIONAL Keepsakes Collections & Creations Software/KC2 (KC2 for short) focuses on a "collections" strategy, combining the versatility of digital files with the beauty and longevity of printed products. It's an easy, smart, end-to-end system for you and your clients.
Click Here to See A Sample KC2 Event
Click Here to Download KC2 Software for Mac or PC
Benefits for you
Combine our lab's capabilities with KC2 to stand out from - and offer more than - competitors:
- Speed post-shoot workflow with editing and organization tools
- Online access to everything in our catalog
- No-cost software - pay a fee only when you make a sale
- Your own branded, personalized, online storefront where your clients can order - no need to create your own e-commerce solution.
- Total flexibility to offer exactly the digital and printed products and keepsake items you want, priced as you like.
Plus features your clients will love
- Ability to share, relive, and preserve important moments, because you (their trusted photo advisor) promoted the critical importance of having both digital and hard copies to preserve memories for generations to come
- Clients can review, select, and order from your branded online storefront.
- Friends, relatives, and event attendees can also order easily online to greatly expand your sales potential.
KC2 Album Intelligence
Turn hundreds of images into smart, stylish albums – intelligently, beautifully, automatically.
It’s a remarkable, time-saving way to create beautiful album designs your clients will love. KC2 Album Intelligence is integrated into KC2 Software from Kodak Alaris. Using intuitive artificial intelligence, this feature greatly reduces the work of identifying and sorting images and produces designs that will wow clients. Sell more with less hands-on involvement.
- Analyzes hundreds of images for key criteria, then creates gorgeous albums automatically
- Review each album and customize with your own touches: layouts, backgrounds, effects, cropping and more
- Streamlined way to sell more in less time
Rather than take our word for it, see Album Intelligence in action! We have produced a demonstration with actual wedding images from an established Photography Studio. We worked with the photographer on his machine to allow Album Intelligence to sort through his 1183 images from a recent event. Click on the video to watch the process!
Match your selling strategy to the millennial mindset
Millennials – those in the 14- to 34-year-old demographic – have grown up with social media and smart phones at their fingertips. Their perception of photography is different from those who grew up with negatives and prints. Today’s digital photography is more of a disposable, transient activity with a focus on sharing.
However, millennials are transitioning to become Chief Memory Officers (CMOs), responsible for preserving the milestones in their own lives and those of family members. This typically begins at their own wedding or the birth of a first child. Often, armed with only a smart phone, they’re simply not prepared for the job. Because photography to them is fleeting (here now, sent now), they do not have an understanding of how to create a more lasting, formal, higher-quality process and results.
And that’s where you come in.
Be their once-in-a-lifetime moments photo resource through a collections strategy
Pro photographers now have a real opportunity to take a more proactive role in helping this generation be successful as CMOs by sharing your knowledge. And here’s where the collections sales strategy comes in.
A collections approach brings together the versatility of the digital file with the beauty and longevity of printed products to enable consumers to do what they have always done with their treasured memories:
- Share with friends and family
- Relive them in story form
- Preserve them for a lifetime in keepsakes products
- Gift and display photos
Collections, grounded in research regarding consumer purchase preferences, are a means to show the value of your expertise and provide purchase advice to help consumers properly commemorate life’s treasured moments. Offering collections is a way to start a discussion with today’s consumers – people who get married, have kids, graduations, want family portraits and more, etc. You can help them see beyond just sharing images to understand how they would like to look back on this moment years from now, and preserve it for generations to come. Technology continues to evolve and change, but there is one technology that has stood the test of time: the photographic print.
For you, this means enlightened, satisfied clients plus increased sales opportunities.
Need a closer look?
Alkit and Kodak recently announced KC2 to a select group of professional photographers and established studio owners. Executives and engineers at Kodak, joined by the owners of Alkit Pro Lab, provide a thorough demonstration of the features and benefits of KC2. The response to this announcement has been monumental, so we make available a video of the entire presentation. Click here for and in-depth look into KC2, and consider how this revolutionary platform can enable your business to regain the sales of printed product that bring profit to you!
Need help? We're here for you
Call our customer support team or e-mail us for questions and guidance. We think KC2 is great, and believe you'll feel the same way, so we hope you'll take it for a test drive.
PayPal Setup
KODAK PROFESSIONAL Keepsakes Collections and Creations Software (KC2) uses PayPal Adaptive Payments for
ecommerce. This service does not have a monthly fee, but there is a fee per order. The fee is a combination of a
fixed transaction processing charge and a percentage of the total transaction amount. The lab pays the fees for
orders that photographers place in KC2. The photographer pays the fees for orders that consumers place in the
KC2 Storefront. Click on this link for instructions on how to set up PayPal for use with KC2.